Market Segments

The textile market is highly competitive. Therefore, in order to successfully fight your way to victory, one must be better in all areas.'Efficiency', 'Creativity' and 'Innovation' is what Descon's Textile Business in known for. As an expert in specialty chemicals, we are your partner through every step in the textile process chain. Our ultimate goal is to provide customized solutions to the owners according to their needs.

'We are close to you, where-ever and whenever you need us'


'Speed and added value along the entire textile processing chain'

First come, first sell!

Speed is the buzzword in the woven textiles’ world. Descon helps you to get ahead at every level of the textile processing chain. We offer Enzymes, Fixing Agents, Softeners, Resins, Binders, and PVAs for the Woven segment. Benefit from our expertise in the apparel and home textiles market:

Our all-around care allows you to increase your added value and accelerate your time to market – two measures that can give you a decisive head-start.


'High-quality innovative brand products for the knitwear textile applications'

With a wide range of brands consisting of proven and innovative product lines, Descon always has just the right product for you, whatever application you need.In addition to this, we can also provide complete package solutions based on our wide assortment of chemicals.


Our experts have developed quality products exactly suited to the needs of the denim sector. We offer an assortment of Enzymes, Fixing Agents, Anti-foaming Agents, Softeners, Resins, and Catalysts to our Denim customers.


We have developed OBA and Softeners ideally suited to the needs of the Towel Sector. Additionally, these products are backed by our strong technical services available countrywide.